About the Fund:
The Griffin Fund is an innovative cost-sharing program that enables behavioral healthcare facilities and mental institutions to to cover treatments gaps that were not authorized by insurance companies.
Often-times, clients that are already engaged in treatment are denied additional time at the facility to finish their healing. This usually happens when the insurance representative disagrees with the attending behavioral health clinician regarding the patient’s need for an extended stay.
The Griffin Fund will enable behavioral health facilities to scholarship the additional days, as deemed necessary by the clinical staff, and further a patient’s road to recovery.
This will result in longer length of stays and better outcomes for the individuals and their providers.
Why you should join:
Genuine client advocacy.
Increased treatment integrity,
Better patient & facility outcomes.
How It Works:
Participating agencies give a tax-free donation based on a percentage of their gross revenue. A sliding scale will be developed based on the size and annual revenue of the facilities.
Applications for scholarships will be submitted on-line to assess the individual’s eligibility. Scholarships will be available to assist with the additional treatment based on a pre-determined fixed price for services.
General Details
- Each participating member of the Griffin Fund will have a seat on the board.
- Donation will be tax-exempt.
- Griffin Behavioral Health will manage the fund based on the by-laws and protocols established by the board.
Coming Soon
The Griffin Fund is currently in the development phase.
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